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Whistleblower Victories In the News
Dr. Joe and his cases have been featured in:

World Whistleblower Day
Established in 2019, World Whistleblower Day is a day that shines a light on the importance of whistleblowers and the work they do in revealing fraud and corruption. Celebrated on June 23rd in many countries around the world, this day is used to raise awareness of what it means to be a whistleblower and the ... Read More

The US Government Prosecutes a Company that Engaged in Telehealth Fraud and Orders $24.6 Million to be Paid in Restitution
A 44-year-old individual from Florida, alongside other co-conspirators, owned and managed Synergy Pharmacy. Through this pharmacy, they defrauded Pharmacy Benefits Managers (PBMs). PBMs pay pharmacies for prescription claims on behalf of both public and private health insurance programs. The perpetrators formed a scheme to swindle PBMs into approving thousands of fraudulent prescriptions. These prescriptions were ... Read More

The Whistleblowers: Documentary Sheds Light on Toxic Culture Inside the United Nations
A documentary aired on BBC exposing the toxic culture present in the United Nations (UN). Abusers prey on the vulnerable while hiding behind a veil of saintliness. As a society, we look up to our political parties, law enforcers, independent standards agencies, and sports governing bodies, and live resigned to the fact that these have ... Read More
Are You Ready To
Blow The Whistle?
Do you know of a defective product, drug, or medical device? Have you been part of a large consumer fraud or wage and hour scam? Tell us about it!
How Whistleblowers International
Can Help You
We represent whistleblowers who want to make a difference by exposing fraud and abuse.
Our background in whistleblower lawsuits and cutting-edge investigation techniques help us build your case as we guide you through the entire process. Past results do not guarantee future outcomes.
What are some examples of fraud and abuse?
- Drug companies promoting off-label pharmaceutical use
- Hospitals overbilling Medicare for procedures that were never performed
- Medical supply companies paying millions in kickbacks to healthcare providers

House Committee Passes Bill to Strengthen AML Whistleblower Program
A bill originally introduced by Sen. Chuck Grassley in 2021— to revise the management of whistleblower inventive awards for individuals who provide original information relating to illegal monetary transactions, money laundering, or other financial crimes — has cleared the House Financial Services Committee. Specifically, this Bill establishes a minimum incentive award for whistleblowers of not ... Read More

False Claims Act Cases Initiated by the Department of Justice are on the Rise
The False Claims Act (FCA) is the oldest whistleblower law in the United States. It was enacted in 1863 in response to the rampart fraud that defense contractors were committing during the Civil War. The law is intended to incentivize individuals with knowledge of fraudulent activities to blow the whistle and receive an award of ... Read More

Inflation Adjustment Act Raises False Claims Act Penalties
Also known as Lincoln’s law, The False Claims Act (FCA) is the oldest whistleblower law in the United States. It was enacted in 1863 in response to the rampart fraud that defense contractors were committing during the civil war. The law is intended to incentivize individuals with knowledge of fraudulent activities to blow the whistle ... Read More